Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How Schools Could Use Social Media

As technology changes new social media sites have been adding to our list. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Their are many more sites that people use and the list keeps going on. Schools look down at these websites as they make student less productive and engaged with learning. What schools don't know is that these social media sites could help rather than "hurt" the school.

Their are many benefits to social media sites as they connect a person to almost everyone in the world some way or another. If they use the sites to their advantage they could have this as a positive thing. Using a social media site to maybe advertise a school function, and how others could get involved. I guarantee most people would read this if it was online rather that a piece of paper because they are always online as it is. The world revolves around technology so why not use it to your advantage? Social media is the place where you could connect people and tell them upcoming social events held at school. Maybe a bake sale or book fair whatever it is you could at least make it open to everyone who wants to be apart of it. Having school connecting the social media would have plenty advantages and they would not regret making the decision. They will connect faster and easier with so many people within their community.

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